That being said, I'm not quite finished with all of the little details in our Master Bedroom makeover.

It's getting there though!

And as soon as it's complete, I will give you the big reveal!

But until then, here are a few photos to show you just a hint of what is to come...

Keep in mind that nothing was purchased for this makeover.

We have simply done some re-arranging, some re-purposing and a lot of re-thinking in order to make an awkward space work for us.

We're loving the way the room makes us feel now!

Because that's really what it's all about, right?

The way your home makes you feel...

coming home to a space that is uniquely yours...

making it work for you...


Today we're celebrating a certain someone's 6th birthday with his friends...

so I have an Ice Cream Cake to make, balloons to fill, and streamers to hang!

Wish us luck with all of the little kiddos!



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