Drumroll, please...


from the blog "Nest Sweet Nest"

Who said:

Wow...well, I love it all, but if I had to pick one or three items it would be between the ruffled grain sack towels, the red checked apron, and the enamel kettle. Love them!! They would be wonderfully safe with me!! :)

I couldn't agree more, Elise!

We love them all too!


Please send me your email address and we will get going on handling all of the details!

There were over 260 entries for Tara's Giveaway, once all of the comments, and followers and blog posts were tallied up!

Thanks so much for taking the time to enter!

Although, I don't blame you...if I could, I would have entered too!

That enamelware has my name written all over it!

And many thanks to Tara for providing us with such a great Giveaway!

Psst...Tara - If you ever want to do it again, you know where to find me!



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