The other day I discovered that Apartment Therapy is having a contest.

A COLOR Contest!

I couldn't resist!

I submitted our Master Bedroom as my entry and have been patiently (or maybe not so patiently - if I'm being honest) waiting to see if they would accept my room into the competition.

I thought I would check the Apartment Therapy Color Contest page before we snuggled into bed tonight to watch our shows, and before I could even get to the contest page, there it was...

right on Apartment Therapy's main page...

a photo of our bedroom with the title

"Have You Voted Yet? Day 5"

I tried not to scream, but I couldn't help it:


I am SO excited!

But, I need your help.

Voting is based on the number of "thumbs up" votes that you get within the first 48 hours after your entry is added into the contest. Ultimately, if you receive enough votes, you remain in the competition. Apartment Therapy encourages you to let friends and family know so that you can get as many votes as possible.

So I am asking a favor of you...

please click over to the Color Contest and give me a thumbs up!


I will owe you.

And I'm not sure how I'll thank you, but I will.

I promise!



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