A little less than 36 hours until our

Annual Chowder Cook-Off


I must say, you all are some seriously good cooks.

You sent me lots and lots of recipes to choose from, and I so appreciate it!

The only problem is, they ALL sound delicious...

So while I was inundated with recipes, thinking that it was going to make the task of picking a "winning chowder"easy, all it really did was make my mouth water and wish that you were all coming to the Cook-Off too, so that I would get a chance to try them all!

Ultimately, it was the last recipe that was emailed to me that I chose.

I do think that it is a winner!

I guess we'll see, right?

I'll share the recipe with you once the Cook-Off is over.

Wouldn't want my competition to have a leg up on me!

Oh - before I forget...

there is a Halloween Prize Package to be won over at


I entered a few days ago, hoping to win the loot from Target!

As it turns out, only two of us entered.

(not much of a competition, with only two participants)

So I am asking, not for your votes, but for your entries!

Come on, you know you want to!

All you have to do is upload photos of your "spooky decor" (I use this term lightly, and apparently, so does shelterrific because my bats made the cut) and if your entry fits the bill, they will feature your decor on their blog.
All entries must be submitted by Wednesday, October 21st.

So start uploading...

It will be fun!

As for me, I need to sign off and focus...start getting this house ready for the Chowder Cook-Off.

Lots to be done today.

Ooh, one more thing...

saw this last night over at Emma Calls Me Mama...

We're going to try it for the Cook-Off.

Super cute, right?

There are spices rubbed on the inside of the pumpkin, with a candle inside, warming it all up to make the scent fill the room.


She had this, along with a whole slew of other great ideas on her blog.

Go check it out!

(We really liked the Lollipop Pumpkin too!)

Ok, signing off now.

For real, this time.

Have a great weekend, everyone!



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