This past Thursday was our anniversary...10 years married! Time flies! So to celebrate, we stayed downtown for 3 days. We played "tourist" and walked everywhere! We had a great time!

The view from our hotel room was beautiful! It was such a peaceful feeling to watch all of the fast-paced business below from our warm and cozy hotel room up in the clouds.

We did LOTS of window shopping and are storing endless amounts of ideas and plans in our heads for the future! Here are a few things that I managed to bring home:

A new book that's chock full of inspiration!

A reproduction map of our hometown dated 1884.
We got the most beautiful piece of poplar to make a frame for it.

And I am in love with this blanket! We got it at the Army Navy Surplus store. The colors, the text on it, everything about it is perfect! I opted to buy a "used" blanket to stay green, but there really was no difference between the "new" and the "used", except for the price! Bargain!

These new additions will blend perfectly into the new plan for the kitchen and family room!

*I highly recommend playing tourist in your own city! It was the first time that we had spent a significant amount of time there without our kids and we now have an entirely different view of city life! My husband even went as far to say that he "really likes" the city now! That's a huge step forward! There are so many cool things to see and do! You don't have to travel far or take a flight somewhere to have new experiences. Some of the best one's might just be around the corner!*



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