...has now been taken over by its new occupants.

The room isn't finished yet. Not even close. But they just can't wait for it to become their new

They've already started moving in...

Progress had to be put on hold because Will got called out to fly, but the kids are happy to have the space, whether it's a finished room or not!

Thanks to them, this room has been used more in the past few days, then it has in the full two years that we have lived here. It's nice to know the house is finally working for us, rather than forcing ourselves to use the rooms only as they were intended.

Time for me to start putting together a design plan...

the fun part!

P.S. Thanks for all of your kind words and motivation on this project! I love reading your comments - you're the best cheerleaders! And it's nice hearing from those of you that have taken on changing a room like this before. Thanks for the warnings to be prepared for the dust. At least now, I know what to expect!
And Janell, your comments make me laugh every time. I think you just might be more excited about this than I am! :)
Thanks for following along!



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