Yesterday we created our time capsule...

We had decided on Tuesday that it would be fun to take advantage of the open studs in our dining room (thanks to the renovation we are working on) and put together a package that we could leave behind for the future!

The boys loved the idea that someone, someday would be able to see what we were leaving for them in the wall! It was pretty cute to see their excitement once they understood why we were doing it.

At first, we were really unsure exactly what to put in it. So naturally, I googled "what to put in a time capsule" and the worldwide web did not disappoint.

Here is what we came up with:

Today's headlines, printed straight from the computer screen...

A Matchbox truck and some relevant magazines...

well, relevant to me, anyway!

Facts from the day, such as:

the temperature

the price of a barrel of gas

where the Dow sat

and where Alaska Airlines stock sat

Of course, we had to include a very significant toy for us, an Alaska Airlines toy plane...

(as you can see, it has been played with a lot!)

The boys put in one of their Kids Bop CD's that they had received in a Happy Meal...

and a grocery receipt from the day before showing just how expensive food really is!

And our family photo, taken minutes before in the mid-construction room...

We sealed up the envelope and placed it between the studs...

We then sealed up the wall...

...and there our time capsule will sit - just waiting for someone in the future to find it!

I'm so glad that we took the time to make it. It was fun to do with the kids and it's exciting to wonder if anyone will ever find it!

We got quite a bit accomplished in the dining room yesterday. I'll post our progress soon!

It's coming along!

P.S. We made sure the boys understood that the time capsule was for someone in the future - not for them! They wanted to know when in the future so we said about "200 years". That way they know it's sometime far, far from now. So for those of you who were worried that they may try to tear down the drywall to get back their things (myself included), no need to worry. The boys get it! Thanks for you concern though! And thanks for looking out for my walls!



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