We've been working on recovering from the flu around here,

playing catch-up on fun things like laundry

(make sure that you are hearing my sarcasm loud and clear)

and really fun things like designing and building a loft-style fort bed for Owen!

(pictures to come soon)

But I thought I would do a quick post to let you all know about a giveaway that Maya is hosting over at Completely Coastal...

It's a good one!

When Maya emailed me about the giveaway, I thought I would give it a quick look and check it out, but I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I got lost in the website daydreaming about where I would put my goods if I was lucky enough to be the winner!

How cute are these?

And I love this!

The perfect punch of orange to go with all the blue around here...

And this is just gorgeous...

I could go on and on, but I won't.

I'll let you browse for yourself!

Head over to Completely Coastal to check out the details of the giveaway and see how you can enter for your chance to win.

And good luck!

I'll be entering this one myself!

I'll show you what we've been up to soon!

Will is out in the garage as I type this, finishing up all of the cuts for Owen's new bed. And we moved the bunk beds into William's new room (formerly known as the playroom...which, prior to that, was known as the dining room), so needless to say, I have lots of posting to catch up on.

But for now, it's almost time to assemble.

Very exciting!

Can't wait to show you!



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