On Sunday I celebrated my birthday with the help of my family!

The celebrating actually started on Thursday with lunch and some thrifting with my best friend. We ate at a new, super cute, absolutely delicious, Italian restaurant that was so good that it definitely needs to be shared with those of you that are local! I'll post more about that tomorrow.

The most exciting part of my birthday weekend was when my husband surprised me
(and I mean really SURPRISED me!)
with this:

I am
*in love*

Yes, with my husband,

but also with my new camera!

It takes the prettiest pictures!

Luckily, my camera savvy brother has been helping me figure out all of its tricks!

This particular gift was such a surprise because I had been hinting at, then suggesting, then asking for, then flat out begging for a new camera for the past two, maybe even three years!

I knew that we would eventually get one, but I certainly didn't expect it to be now!

So kudos to my usually unable-to-keep-a-secret-about-presents-that-he's-excited-about-husband, for not only getting me the best present I could have hoped for, but for keeping it a secret too! Job well done! You definitely surprised me this time!



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