It feels like Spring may never come!
And it sure is cold out there, but as you can is on its way!
I took these pictures in the backyard yesterday...





A weeping tree...not sure of the name...

And something is sprouting up under the tree!

On the inside, my 5 year old's apple seeds are coming up! Every time he eats an apple he saves the seeds and we plant them. He loves watching them sprout!

To trick ourselves into thinking spring is closer than it may be, we bought a couple of house plants last week. Our seven year old has been asking for a plant of his own to take care of for quite some time. He picked out this succulent at Home Depot. It's pretty small and only cost $2.49, but it will be that much more gratifying for him to watch it grow and take over the pot!

I bought this one for my desk. Another one that only cost $2.49.
Can't beat that!

My best friend has a fern in her dining room that I have admired for years...which is kind of odd because I have never been a fern lover. But it's gorgeous and adds an element of the outdoors to the room. It is called a Boston Fern. Just my luck, I found one the other day at Fred Meyer (our local one-stop-shopping store). I felt even luckier when I saw that it was only $6.oo! It's huge!
Here it is:

And from what she tells me, ferns are easy to grow, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've been pretty lucky with houseplants the past few years, so I'm hoping to continue the trend!

Have you added any new houseplants to your home?

Are you seeing Spring buds around your yard?

Here's hoping Spring will be here before we know it!



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