Daffodils make it so easy to add some sunshine to any room.

This is what our days have been looking like up here in Seattle...

...day after day after day.

So a few rays of sunshine are a welcome treat!

I found these lovely rays at Trader Joe's - 10 stems for a little over $1.00.

Placed in a simple glass jar on the mantel...

...and near the front door, you can't help but cheer up when you look at them.

The weather reports are teasing us with the potential of sunshine over the weekend. While I don't want to get my hopes up, I am optimistic - we are all desperate for a change and a chance to soak up some good old Vitamin D!

But for now, Daffodils are an easy and inexpensive way to remind us that spring will, in fact, be making its appearance soon....we hope!


To see what Julia is Hooked On this week head over to Hooked On Houses! And feel free to join in on the Party!



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