While browsing through my current issue of Elle Decor magazine (again)...

...I noticed an advertisement for Antique Spanish Doors. The ad is beautiful and definitely peaked my interest! So I checked it out online and this is what I found.

Welcome to
Portera Antique Spanish Doors

These doors aren't reproductions - they're the real deal!

Here is a sampling from their website:
(be careful...you might drool on your keyboard)

19th Century

18th Century

18th Century Baroque Double Door

18th Century Arched Double Door

15th Century Gothic Arched Portal

18th Century Mudejar Door

19th Century Double Door

18th Century Double Door

I highly recommend drooling over, I mean, checking out their website!
Be sure to click on the "about" link and then click on the "installations" tab on the left. You will get to see gorgeous photos of some of their doors in equally gorgeous homes!
And don't forget to view the gallery!

And if you want to see even more, go to

Can you imagine having one of these in your home?

A girl can dream...



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